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                                      Shades of Worship

We are a church that embraces diversity.  We understand that our differences make us strong. God has made us unique on purpose and, in our search to discover destiny and purpose, we gravitate to one another blending our strengths, talents and abilities. This unique blend allows each of us to experience the power, presence and provision of God as we work together to build his kingdom. The bible says, “Two can’t walk together unless they agree”. We agree not to let our differences stop us from expanding the kingdom of God. We agree to build bridges of love, hope, help and healing and not walls that would separate us.


Mission Statement

Mission statement: To empower the body of Christ through diverse forms of praise and worship. Our aim is to  bridge the gaps that often separates us in the body of Christ. To build a platform where God is completely in control, and the Holy Spirit has free reign to move with signs, wonders and miracles. To create a network of resources and services, to help impact the community and the world around us. To economically shift the body of Christ to its rightful position, by releasing the power to create wealth for the kingdom.


Vision Statement

Gen 4:9 “Am I my brother’s Keeper”… ”Yes”
God has commanded us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and to be the extension of his arms here on earth. We believe that God has positioned us to be an outreach ministry, connecting lives from Africa to Asia through our Connecting Community initiatives and the Walk in My Shoes Ministry. This is a branch of the ministry that collects new to slightly used shoes, clothes and personal care items to distribute to the disadvantaged throughout the world.
Our Goal is to reach and empower this generation for their future, while under girding our foundation which is the generation before us…our seniors. To leave a legacy that our children can stand and expand on while continuing to build God’s Kingdom for generations to come.


© 2017 Created with by Melody Williams

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